Hello and welcome back.
Wow. Where has our journey taken us? Improving our lives, getting more out of life, living life to the fullest, success, prosperity and the list goes on.
I do ask, though, where would we be without Mother Earth, our home for now? It's all good and grand to have and achieve those wants and desires. But at what cost? Do our wants and desires kill animals, destroy habitats, cause harm to others? This is what is on my mind today.
Life has its cycles, it ebbs and flows. This is a universal law, just for us we must give to receive. We must give back and preserve what we have taken. Meaning, what are you doing to protect the rain forest? By not supporting company's that strip the rain forest for their products. Are you not using pesticides and weed killers that harm plants, animals and insects? Do you know the monarch butterfly relies on the milk weed to survive? By killing milk weed we are killing the survival of the monarch. By killing the clover, weed and flower sources for the bees we are actually contributing to their demise. But did you also know if the bees die, we die? If we destroy the rain forest and trees our planet, Mother Earth dies; we die. This is not my ranting and raving, it's fact. I have long since stopped using pesticides and weed / vegetation killers. Also by our use we are poisoning our water. Another example: stop eating and using products with palm oil because they cut down the forests where these palms grow which is destroying the natural home and habitat for the orangutans. So what about recycling? Do you recycle everything you can? I do. It's amazing how much less garbage you have when you recycle. We can have wonderful lives and still be responsible.
Dominion: there are scriptures in the Bible which talk about man having been given dominion over the earth, plants and animals. So what does this mean? Well it doesn't mean we can do whatever we damn well please. It means we are responsible for taking care of this planet, the plants, animals -- all inhabitants. Are we? No! The human race breeds like rabbits, taking and taking but never giving back. We cut down rain forests a and other habitats to build homes, factories, cities etc...what once was farm land for growing food is now homes, stores, lands of of concrete. Instead of growing corn to feed the multitudes, it's now grown for ethanol gas. No wonder we have more hunger today than ever before.
Bear fruit and multiply doesn't mean go out there and have a lot of babies. It means to bear the fruit of knowledge, understanding, righteousness, goodness and love. God gave us this planet to live, move and have our being but in respect, reverence, light and love. To live and experience life abundantly but with this comes great responsibility. We are spiritual beings here having an earthly experience. And as in the Bible; Isaiah 12 states " In joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation. To draw on this we must go within, for the things of the Spirit of God, his presence, his love that never changes are from within. Enter the silence within for the waters of joy, peace, hope then life will flow from the invisible within to the visible without." So this takes us to what we've heard time and time again, "So within, so without".
We are beloved children of God. Every face is unique but we're of one heart, one spirit, one energy. Every face may be unique but we're of one heart, one spirit. The heart of life connects us all and connects us to this home we call Earth. Yet it still goes back to loving yourself. How can you love your family, love your friends or even love this earth if you don't even love yourself. Love yourself enough to eat right, exercise, spend quality time within yourself. Remember "So Within, So Without"
So wrapping up another journey into self. Thank you for joining me once again. I do believe in you and I believe in your heart.
Take care and God Bless
Wow. Where has our journey taken us? Improving our lives, getting more out of life, living life to the fullest, success, prosperity and the list goes on.
I do ask, though, where would we be without Mother Earth, our home for now? It's all good and grand to have and achieve those wants and desires. But at what cost? Do our wants and desires kill animals, destroy habitats, cause harm to others? This is what is on my mind today.
Life has its cycles, it ebbs and flows. This is a universal law, just for us we must give to receive. We must give back and preserve what we have taken. Meaning, what are you doing to protect the rain forest? By not supporting company's that strip the rain forest for their products. Are you not using pesticides and weed killers that harm plants, animals and insects? Do you know the monarch butterfly relies on the milk weed to survive? By killing milk weed we are killing the survival of the monarch. By killing the clover, weed and flower sources for the bees we are actually contributing to their demise. But did you also know if the bees die, we die? If we destroy the rain forest and trees our planet, Mother Earth dies; we die. This is not my ranting and raving, it's fact. I have long since stopped using pesticides and weed / vegetation killers. Also by our use we are poisoning our water. Another example: stop eating and using products with palm oil because they cut down the forests where these palms grow which is destroying the natural home and habitat for the orangutans. So what about recycling? Do you recycle everything you can? I do. It's amazing how much less garbage you have when you recycle. We can have wonderful lives and still be responsible.
Dominion: there are scriptures in the Bible which talk about man having been given dominion over the earth, plants and animals. So what does this mean? Well it doesn't mean we can do whatever we damn well please. It means we are responsible for taking care of this planet, the plants, animals -- all inhabitants. Are we? No! The human race breeds like rabbits, taking and taking but never giving back. We cut down rain forests a and other habitats to build homes, factories, cities etc...what once was farm land for growing food is now homes, stores, lands of of concrete. Instead of growing corn to feed the multitudes, it's now grown for ethanol gas. No wonder we have more hunger today than ever before.
Bear fruit and multiply doesn't mean go out there and have a lot of babies. It means to bear the fruit of knowledge, understanding, righteousness, goodness and love. God gave us this planet to live, move and have our being but in respect, reverence, light and love. To live and experience life abundantly but with this comes great responsibility. We are spiritual beings here having an earthly experience. And as in the Bible; Isaiah 12 states " In joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation. To draw on this we must go within, for the things of the Spirit of God, his presence, his love that never changes are from within. Enter the silence within for the waters of joy, peace, hope then life will flow from the invisible within to the visible without." So this takes us to what we've heard time and time again, "So within, so without".
We are beloved children of God. Every face is unique but we're of one heart, one spirit, one energy. Every face may be unique but we're of one heart, one spirit. The heart of life connects us all and connects us to this home we call Earth. Yet it still goes back to loving yourself. How can you love your family, love your friends or even love this earth if you don't even love yourself. Love yourself enough to eat right, exercise, spend quality time within yourself. Remember "So Within, So Without"
So wrapping up another journey into self. Thank you for joining me once again. I do believe in you and I believe in your heart.
Take care and God Bless